2025 Food Vendor Application (pdf)
MARCH 22rd and 23rd, 2025
Application Deadline March 01, 2025
Set up on Friday, March 21 after 12:00 pm
Please Print:
Business Name:____________________________________________________________
City:________________________ State:__________________ Zip:___________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________________
Home Phone:______________________ Cell Phone:____________________________
Specialty or Menu Items:
Size of Display (trailer or tent), maximum 10’ deep by 20’ wide.
Length:__________________________ Width:___________________________________
The City of Gulf Breeze provides a generator for general vendor use. Each vendor is supplied a maximum single 20 amp circuit with two plugs. City power is available each day (Saturday and Sunday) from 9 am to 5 pm. Each vendor needs to supply his/her own #10 or #12 extension cord. No city power is available at night. If you need power at night you will need your own generator. If you need additional power during the festival hours a Quiet generator (like a Honda) is acceptable but must be PRE-APPROVED. If improper amperage is used, you will be responsible for all additional electrical expenses required to make your trailer functional and any damages to city provided facilities.
No public address system or musical amplifier may be used.
Each vendor must provide ground cover under their tent and is responsible for cleanup in their area and proper disposal of trash and cooking wastes.
There are faucet locations; however there are NO dedicated hose hook-ups.
NOTE: There is NO City electricity available other than above hours (e.g. for running refrigeration).
The festival is held at the Gulf Breeze Community Center, 800 Shoreline Drive, Gulf Breeze, Florida. Festival hours are Saturday, March 22, 9 am to 5 pm, and Sunday, March 23rd, from 9 am to 4 pm. Set up hours are Friday, March 21, after 12 pm.
There is on-site security throughout the weekend. Anticipated attendance is 10,000 to 12,000 festival goers.
I understand and agree with the rules and regulations that are set forth by the Florida Health Department and in this application. I also understand and agree the Celebrates the Arts Festival Committee and the City of Gulf Breeze are not responsible in any way for damages, loss or theft of my firm, or customers. I hereby submit payment of $150 and my signed application for Celebrates the Arts. I also understand that if Celebrates the Arts does not need us as a vendor my payment will be refunded within thirty days after the deadline for applications.
Signature_____________________________ Title __________________________ Date____________
Please send completed application, PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE, a complete menu, and a check for $150 made out to Gulf Breeze Arts, Inc.
Mail to: Gulf Breeze Arts, Inc., P.O. Box 52, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at: coordinator@gulfbreeze arts.com (Carolyn Williams, Food Vendor Chairman)
Application Deadline March 01, 2025
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